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Tips for Fleeing the Bad Guys

Ok. I have only one disagreement with the above post, and that is if you need to run w/o SoW you can't make it to the gaurd. While SoW is the ultimate "Back-up" plan, here is my tip for ditching things with out SoW. (Which I must proudly state that I ditched a Orc Shaman w/o SoW, from ice wall all the way back to one gaurd. Hopefully no one will post that you can outrun shamns anyways... and put my point to rest...) You will need to realize when you need to run, before your health is so low that you can't really run. So you are running away from a Shaman:

1. Jump to get a head start on it. I have also found that if you are coming up to a rise on a ridge, jumping over a ridge will give you some extra lead.

2. When you impose a object (Trees, rocks, hillsides) between yourself and the pursuing monster, the monster will run up the side of the object. If it's a tree it will try to run UP the tree before finally sliding off to the side. This means, while you are running forward, the shaman is effectively staying in one place. The better you line up the tree, the longer the shaman will be delayed by it.

3. I have found the switching to the rear view (first person, top down, rear view...) helps to line up the objects better, and actually see how much of a lead you have.

Anyways, that was my "fleeing" tip. Hope it saves a few of our butts.

Lojki - Ministering the Funk to the un-funkified everywhere